Important Update: New Version Updated

Thanks for the feedback. We have now updated to a new version!. Please let us know your feedback. Thank you for your cooperation!

Hunger Games Simulator - Disclaimer

Welcome, and may the odds be ever in your favor! Even though you know this simulator is literally a simulator, and that it is fiction / fantasy, we have to ask if you are 14 are older in order for you to continue!

By continuing on, you are agreeing to the terms of the simublast website and you are 14 years or older.

This site is for fun and is not based on reality. It is based on the Suzanne Collins' book series The Hunger Games, as well as the movie franchise.

Please note our privacy policy and terms as well as this disclaimer.

If you have any concerns or feedback please do not hesitate to contact us. Enjoy and may the odds be ever in your favor!