LOTTERY SIMULATION US Mega Millions Lottery DRAWFeedback

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15 30 40 43 64

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Lottery Ball Simulator

Our simulator will let you generate any amount of numbers based on you particular lotto game. If you are playing Powerball, select 6 numbers. If you are playing a state lottery, find out what your state rules are and then select the appropriate settings to match your game.

Here are a list of popular lottos and the corresponding balls. Starting November 2019, you can click on the link to set the default settings
1. Powerball
2. Mega Millions
3. Massachusetts - The Numbers Game

Run the simulator as many times as you like, you should get a different outcome every time! This lotto generator will simulate a lottery drawing machine to spit out the numbers you need. Please let us know if you'd like us to add any features! Thanks for playing!